Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hello, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
So its been a while...well no not really a while its been FOREVER! Sept, really? thats just sad. But it is what it is. Maybe someday Ill be good about this whole blogging thing but since Ive been at this for like 3 years Im going to guess not.
So Thanksgiving. I just want to say that I am Thankful to our Troops! and I think if you give thanks to nothing else but you do them than you are good in my book. I also am Thankful for my wonderful Mr. who is nothing but great to me and I love him more everyday. This is our first "married" thanksgiving =) I am Thankful for all the great things we have together all our love, all our silly games, and wrestling matches (where I beat him up), all our future endevers well have together good and bad! I am Thankful for God! I am getting to know him more and more, I couldnt be happier about that. I am Thankful for my family always supporting me and being there for me. I am Thankful I have great In Laws that are super awesome. I am Thankful for my NEW JOB!! heck yes!! I am super excited about it and can not wait to get going full time and leave this old job behind.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Labor Day (a day for labor as in mothers in labor) Or so I'm told

This past weekend Jesse and I packed up the car and of course our Bandit along with Tricia and drove to CA to spend the Labor Day weekend with his parents and go to the Hollywood Muesum on my overwhelming request Im sure. I have found a new and ever growing love for Marilyn Monroe and the exhibit will be closing later this month so of course I had to go see it while it was there.
We had an unexpected stop after finding out Paloma was only a few exits behind us. We only live a few miles away from each other in Vegas but feel the need to see each other in CA instead. It was nice seeing them and being made dizzy by Madison walking circles around me for a good 10 minutes. =)
It was nice to see his parents and I actually got to sit around with his aunts, uncles, grandma, parents, cousins, and actually meet one of his aunts that couldnt make it to the wedding so that was fun since that had not happened yet. It was great getting that time with them.
 I really love his grandma she is the cutest lady ever.
=) His family is really awesome I love them all. Its nice being around a family that can all joke and get along without fighting or having any kind of feelings other than happiness. I am so not used to that anymore.
I love our trips out of the city. It was overly hot which it usually is not like that in CA but it was hot this past weekend. We didnt go to the beach though. Sadly and Hollywood is a strange place.
I dont know what I was expecting considering what Hollywood is today but I was so thinking it would have a little class. Which it failed at. People are just nasty and weird there. Complete honesty I dont know that Id go back. There would have to be something major to get me to go back, it was fun for the trip and the reason for going but its not something I see myself doing again unless something really big comes up.
I found this beauty. I want him and I want to name him Wayne. He would be worth every penny of $12,000 if I had it. I. LOVE.HIM
I found this picture on Tricia's instagram, so I took this one for her to find on mine later.

And of course.
My Bandit Love

...and next weekend its Laughlin, NV for Gary Alan...
for those of you that dont know us, YES our live is always this exciting

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Update...New stuff.

So I might be freaking out a little bit about a few things! Like the fact that I have ONE count that again ONE day of actual class left!!! Then my final. I might DIE! I cant believe that I only have one day of class left. (hopefully) Im trying to keep it positive and *know* that I am going to pass this time. I have a pretty good shot I think. Right now I sit at a 73% I need a 77% to pass. I have one homework assignment to turn in Monday and my final to swing me up. So guess what my lovely weekend consits of...studying my ass off BIG TIME. Like studying like Ive never studied before. Good news is I am off Sunday (Saturday night) thru Tuesday (morning) So I have more than enough time to shove all this stuff in my brian hopefully. I will say that damn math is still kicking my ass on tests. =/ and sadly I was informed that, that is 1/3 of the test. eff! Oh well all I can do is my best and hopefully (praying) thats enough to pass this and be done with the classroom portion of school. That would be more than amazing.
Than its on to my extern which I spoke to my teacher and she is going to let me do it at the shelter! The whole thing since I have already worked in a clinic and cleaned teeth and got the small animal practice experience. I will be doing the whole shelter experience now since thats really what I want to do. She is gonna have me work the clinic, the adoption area, the behavoiral side and euth area too. I am super excited about that! Now its chrunch time to get my tech in training license and pass this class. =)

Jesse and I are taking a huge step and starting a diet. Like a real diet. I have never been on a diet in my life but Im excited. My sister and B-I-L, and some friends are on this diet and all have had amazing results. So I cant wait to see how it works for us. It teaches us to eat 6 times a day that is going to be so hard for me considering I usually eat once a day, but that is a part of the reason I have gained this weight. We cant work out for the first 2 weeks =/ that sucks big time because I just found all these awesome work outs and I really like the work out challenge Ive been doing on line but oh well its just two weeks then Ill be back in the gym for sure. I only have 20lbs to lose. Which I feel kinda bad about lol. (thats weird) because everyone else has more than that and I feel like 20lbs should be nothing I should be able to lose that no problem but I know that isnt really the case because if it were I would have done it already and if I dont make the changes now itll just keep adding up. I will say Jesse isnt happy about having to stop drinking milk. And I am more than a little put off by me not being able to eat fruit Pineapple really. Considering I can seriously eat a whole pineapple myself in a day or two. So that is going to suck but gives me more reason to do this as quickly as possible so I can get back to my pineapples before they go out of season. But I looked up my 'ideal' weight and bahhahahaha that is a joke seriously its 96-116. At my smallest in hs in the best physical shape where I was walking and running everyday, I was between 120-125 I think I would disappear at 116 and I would die under 100. So I will stick to my 120-125 range.

I should really blog more...I say something to that effect everytime I blog and it never works. I suck at blogging but I did log on here and I miss logging on and reading all the peoples blogs that I follow Ive missed a lot.
I was just thinking. I think Jesse and I need to make this diet interesting and once we meet our goal weights we should celebrate in some way maybe get us something special that we want. I think that would be a cool motivator. Along with us getting healthy and in shape we also get like a prize. I think we should do that. I wonder if anyone else doing this has thought about that.

Alright I need to get to that studying thing I was talking about earlier. Have a great night and Ill be sure to update once this class is all over...only if it goes well lol just kidding.
Good night all.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

be completely married not hyphenated

Lately, I have seen more and more ladies either keeping their last names or hyphenating her two last names when she gets married instead of just taking her husbands name. I just don't understand it to be honest, I wish someone could explain it to me where it makes sense. There was never a doubt or second thought about if I would take my husbands name. To me it was a given. To me it's disrespectful not to especially if you dont have an actual reason, and honestly there is no real reason to keep your name. Maybe I'm just old fashion in this regard but I couldn't imagen looking my husband to be in the eye and saying "hey, so I know you asked me to marry you but I'm just going to go ahead and keep my dads name, is that okay?" Never would happen. I plan to get my old last name back but it will be my middle name not my last name not hyphenated with my new name. People say they hyphenate it because than when things come in their old last name they don't have to worry about changing their name...umm no if your name is hyphenated your last name is now legally both names not one of the other when you so choose to use it. This is just a topic I will never understand.

Ladies if you get married swallow your pride or independence and take your husbands last name because lets be honest you are married your independence is out the window. Thats why you get married. If I can get rid of my last name being the last Silipo in my line of family so can you when I'm sure (unless your husband is a complete idiot) you wont be passing on your last name to your children, so it doesn't matter in the long run anyways. That is just my thought on this subject. If you can explain to me why women keep or hyphenate their names I'd love to know...seriously.

Another note. Life is way too short to go through it unhappy. I'm sure everyone has heard that little saying and thought it or said it to someone else but its completely true. I have learned that recently well in the last year or so. Of course I've always known that but it's different actually realizing it and letting yourself believe in your own life. If you aren't happy. Change whatever doesn't make you happy. Some things of course it's harder to follow through with right away but if you put the ball in motion it'll get there, like a job of course you have to find another one before you just quite the last one. But look for a new one don't just wait for one to pop up, it'll never happen for you that way. Other things it's instant. If the people around you aren't making you happy, tell them and if it still doesn't change move on. You can never solely base your happiness on another person you will never be satisfied and you will never be completely happy, you yourself need to make parts of you happy as well. But don't stick around if the other person is aware (meaning you told them not just hinted at it) and nothing is changing. It took me a long time to figure that out on my own and actually start living it. If you aren't happy with the way you look change it. I don't mean run out and do anything crazy. But if it's a weight issue fix it eat healthy, exercise, do what you have to do to be happy with yourself.
Don't settle for less than what makes you happy! Find something to believe in, find someone to talk to, find a love that makes nothing else matter.
Those are my pieces of advise for you. Either you take them or you don't.

Have a good day and a Happy Life you deserve nothing less than that. =]

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Here & Now

Hello blogger people. I'm not sure who follows or reads my blog but here we go :)
Things have gotten busy again with school and work. I only go to school like 1 or 2 days a week now but now I'm working 4 10s so less school but more hours of work.
I had a work interview last week and I haven't heard back so I'm guessing that's a no go. Bummer. I don't think I did so well and I think the guy could tell I wasn't that into it. I'm not sure if it was the clinic or the fact that I'm doubting my interest in the clinic field or what but here we are a week later a left message and no word back. Well good luck to the person that got the job. Good for them. With that being said. I am so conflicted with school. I know I want to work with animals but I don't know that clinic work is for me and I also don't know how to get into any other field. So here I am just trying to finish school to figure out where to go next I feel like I've hit a brick wall with this. I'm sure I'll figure it out I just wish it would happen now.
Moving on. We spent another fabulous weekend in Newport CA. I was not supposed to but my awesome mother in law got me a last minute plane ticket to come out ::love her:: we hung out went to dinner on the pier at Rubys. I'd never been there it was awesome! Best heath bar shake EVER! no joke you should try it.
Well that's all I have for now. Here are pictures from CA :) have a good night my lovelies.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Saturday, March 24, 2012

some day Ill have this all figured out.

So here we go, blog two in one week. Oh snap!
Well, I finished my first book in over a year, do you know how depressing that sentence is for me to type and read? Considering 2 years ago I read upwards of 80-90 books in a year. I have a box or a few of unread books just waiting for me to get to. There used to be an order of which I would read them now that is out the window. I actually tried to read two other books before I got to the one I actually finished. I tried to read book 14 of the True Blood or Sookie Stakehouse (depending on if you read the books or watch the show) where the other 13 were good books that held my attention for me to finish them in a week or so but this one I just couldnt get into for some reason. Its the same writing as the rest of them but it was a no go. I also tried to read a romance which Im very used to the authors writing style and I like her writing but 4 or 5 pages in and I was done. So finally I had a whole 6 weeks off of school and I figured I at least have to finish one book because its getting a little more than depressing really so I picked up the newest Nick Sparks book and at least! I finished it in less than a week I am back baby! Right in time to go back to school and have no time to actually read another book yay!..not really.
Reading is just another thing I am sad about when I think about having to go back to school next week. I have come to like my days free with my husband to go to the gym and make him dinner which will end once I start school again. I keep telling myself only 14 weeks to go then the classroom stuff is done but than I have my extern yet another thing Im not really looking forward to. I still have no idea how Im going to pull that off with my work hours. Its just not looking good for that December graduation date not gonna lie. Im just not feeling very good about this whole school thing anymore. Considering I have been applying for over a year for jobs in the field and have only had 1 interview which went no where. So who knows what is going to happen when it comes time to finish this thing up. I got the class part down no problem its the rest of it that Im not handling so well. The next steps if you will. Im over it really. Im over this job that I hate to come to every day and Im over the hours I work. Im over all of it really. My married life is about the only thing that keeps a smile on my face now a days which all things considered is a fabulous thing. It would be even more terrible if my married life didnt make me smile. So I should not complain so much I guess.
Clearly this blog is a venting blog.
I have been just worrying about so many things lately. Care free days were so nice and all of us took them for granted we suck for doing that. Oh well I guess all we can do now is buck up and deal with what has been dealt to us right?
Tomorrow is Saturday woo hoo, my days off begin in 4 hours...I seem to always blog at 4am lol. We have nothing planned tomorrow which for the past two weekends Saturday is our go out and drink/pool nights, as of this moment Im thinking this weekend other than the birthday dinner we have to go to it will be a stay at home and love my husband weekend. =) I have realized that after reading a few posting on my blogs, twitter, or fb his is not refurred to as his name its usually just husband. I think I just like using the word. I wonder if that bothers him when he reads these?
In other news. Im thinking about getting rid of my facebook. I dont use it often and I have started to delete pictures of things off of it. I think it has been replaced by my instagram. I hardly ever post on my twitter either for that matter but more so than fb. Plus I liked a bunch of pages a few weeks ago that have completely taken over my whole news feed which could be another factor in this consideration. Who knows maybe I will or maybe I wont but I can tell you I wont be using it much either way.
Another long blog without pictures since Im on "my" computer. So Ill be going now, maybe I should work.
Oh one last thing. I tried this new work out with Randi called the Brazilian Butt Lift I did it at 8pm and she was right it does give you energy because Im not really all that tired still. Amazing how that works. I need to get those dvds maybe that will help me more with my schedule since its about to get crazy again.
Alright for real this time. Good Night. or. Morning. Depending on who you are.